Saturday, January 12, 2013

My First Blog

This is the first blog of Mary Bowmaker, (musician and author).

              (Sitting in a Turkish hairdressers in London, an assistant asked me,
                      'Would you like to have your Turkish coffee cup read'!)

Although my career has been in music, a pianist, (teacher and performer), my long love of writing has at last come to the fore resulting in the publication of three books;

                                      A Little School on the Downs
                                      Is   anybody   there...
                                      Leaning on the Invisible

Through the last two books, writing about the 'so-called' paranormal as a great truth, and one that we all embrace every day of our lives - usually without realising it - I am hoping, in the telling of many incredible and yet at times very ordinary experiences, to convince readers to look carefully at their own lives, and in looking, perhaps see how often they too have been touched by this 'something', call it Universal Energy, life-force, Creator, God! And in beginning to understand such 'phenomena', to accept the fact that whatever happens in life, whatever we do or where ever we go, we do not walk alone... and in answering the question, 'Is anybody there?' with a resounding 'yes Yes YES', wanting to shout it from the roof-tops, then we will have reached one of the most important mile-stones of our lives:
                                                 What do you think?  IS anybody there?
                                                                                                                     Mary Bow.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry a long time in replying, but thank you very much. I am back working on my blog.

      Mary Bow.

  2. Very Interesting, I would love to think this is all true.


    1. You say, very interesting, but how do we know?
      Once you have become aware of something, such as the 'so called' paranormal, noticed it, thought about it, you will soon begin to find that pieces of information are coming your way to read, absorb, hear of; perhaps only tiny snippets of related 'gossip', but it will be enough to 'wet your appetite' and lead you to more. Once the door is open, you have the opportunity to explore this most wonderful, exciting and challenging part of life which can bring you fulfillment and happiness beyond measure,but it is up to you what you do with your opportunity. Mary Bow.

  3. Thank you for your reply, Mary Bow.

  4. very intersting but how do we know this is real??

    1. You will only know 'the other side of life' is real when you prove it for yourself. This means being open minded about things and accepting evidence presented to you, however small, as long as it is genuine. Evidence can come in many ways and when you are receptive, you might find yourself sometime or other, giving a 'WOW' at the unbelievable way something has workd out.
      Talk to your friends about it and you will be surprised at the 'strange' things they can tell YOU have happened to them. You see,we really are all in this together! Honest. All the best, Mary Bow.
